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Essay/Term paper: Geographic features of a region has important effects on development

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Political Science

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Geographic Features of A Region Has Important Effects on Development

The geographic features of a nation or region have an important effect
on the development of that nation or region. This effect is apparent in many in
cases such geographic features as Japan being a group of islands or archipelago
and the rain forest in Latin America. This essay will describe the effects of
these features on there nation.

Japan is a group of islands called an archipelago. This influences the
development of Japan because it limits the size of their usable land and since
much of the land is mountainous it leaves even less usable land. The areas
which are usable are heavily populated. Also another effect of the lack of land
is limited farming. This leads Japan to one of there most plentiful resources,
the ocean. Most of the Japanese nutrition is from fish and other sea foods.
Since there is so much water it effects the temperature. There are no very cold
winter or very warm summers. The ocean supplies for plenty of rain which
lengthens the growing season.

Another instance of a geographic feature's effect on a nation is the
effect of the rain forest on Latin America. There is an abundant amount of
rain in the rain forest (hence the name). The constant rain dissolves and
washes away many of the nutrients in the soil. There are pools of water laying
all around which supply disease laying insects with a place to lay there eggs
and spread disease throughout the nation. The large amount of moisture causes
mold on clothing and other possessions.

The above paragraphs show clear reasons how geographic features effect
there region and that there are many good and bad effects of these features.


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